Action 21 Charleroi : 1 Luca Cragnaz, 14 François-Xavier Deswijsen, 20 Ferhmann, 4 Kelson, 14 Liliu Wilson, 16 Robinho, 6 Andre Vanderlei, 8 Lucio Rosa Lima, 12 Alex (C), 15 Henrique, 11 Davi Ribeiro, 10 Eder. Coach: Sergio Benatti
Dinamo Moscou : 1 Stepanov, 16 Yurchenko, 5 Kobzar, 8 Kudlay, 3 Yaronov, 10 Maevski, 11 Cirillo, 12 Pele Junior, 13 Joan, 9 Ivanov, 15 Malyshev. Coach: Yury Rudnev
1-0 Vanderlei 11è, 2-0 Robinho 12è, 2-1 Cirillo 12è, 3-1 Alex 13è, 4-1 Eder 18è, 4-2 Pelé 22è, 4-3 Maevskiy 34è
Referee Massimo Cumbo (ITA) & Károly Török (HUN)
First Time
2' Shot on goal - Kelson.
2' Eder, shot misses the goal nearly.
High pressure footbal from Charleroi.
3' Cirilo - Shot on goal
4' Joan - Shot over the goal.
4' First corner Moscow
5' Shot on goal by Lucio, saved by the keeper
5' First corner Action 21
6' Solo by Malyshev, blocked.
7' Nice action Kelson, injuired during the action
8' Shot from the second line Davi - high over the goal
8' Free kick Moscow - Blocked by the wall
9' Shot misses the goal - Henrique
Action 21 keep on trying from the second line.
11' Goal 1-0 scored by the head.
Andre Vanderlei Yellow card for taking of the shirt.
12' Goal 2-0 Robinho
Time Out Charleroi
12' 2-1 scored by Cirilo
13' 3-1 Alex
Yellow card for taking of the shirt.
13' Shot on goal by Davi, deviated in a corner.
14' Corner - Shot Kelson misses target.
Kelson injuired again - foul by Joan.
Carried of the field. - muscle crack
16' Shot Andre hit the post.
19' 4-1 Eder, scored
Time Out Moscow
Second Time
20' Match started.
21' Shot Eder to the second post - missed by Alex. £
22' 4-2 Scored by Cirilo
24' Robinho - Shot missed target.
26' Corner Action 21
27' Great pass Robinho, no further action.
28' Lucio - Shot on goal, deviated in a corner.
28' Injuiry Pele Junior
28' Shot by Maevskiy, misses nearly
29' Maevskiy misses his shot on goal.
29 Nice combination football Moscow - Maevskiy misses his shot again.
30' Great interception Fehrmann
32' Nice try from Alex. Misses the goal.
33' Corner Moscou
34' Shot on goal by Cirilo - Great safe Fehrmann
34' 4-3 Scored by Maevskiy
34' Shot from own site - great safe by Stefanov
Pressure footbal by Dinamo Moscow
35' Corner Action 21
37' Foul by the keeper Stefanov. Hands
37' Free kick
37' Tackle on Alex
Maevskiy (Suspended next match)
37' Free Kick Henrique - Safe Stefanov
Time Out Dinamo Moscow.
38' Great solo Alex, Liliu misses great opportunity
39' Shot Alex - Saved by Stefanov
40' Time out - Charleroi Action 21
40' Match Finished