UITSLAGEN BELGIUM SEIZOEN 2008-2009 AFDELING 3A | www.futsalbelgium.com AFDRUKKEN |
19-09-2008 21:00 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Jimco Stars Gent | 8 - 4 |
19-09-2008 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Ginkgo Mouscron | 9 - 2 |
19-09-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 2 - 6 |
19-09-2008 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Union Sportive Leuze | 11 - 9 |
19-09-2008 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Juniors Berchem | 10 - 0 |
19-09-2008 22:00 | Gunners Wemmel | Frameuro Mons | 2 - 9 |
26-09-2008 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 4 - 1 |
26-09-2008 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 0 - 5 |
26-09-2008 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Gunners Wemmel | 5 - 7 |
26-09-2008 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Kadanz Gent | 1 - 7 |
26-09-2008 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | The Eagles Brussels | 3 - 4 |
26-09-2008 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 10 - 13 |
03-10-2008 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Union Sportive Leuze | 7 - 4 |
03-10-2008 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 4 - 4 |
03-10-2008 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Jimco Stars Gent | 11 - 9 |
03-10-2008 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 9 - 6 |
03-10-2008 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Frameuro Mons | 2 - 12 |
03-10-2008 22:00 | Gunners Wemmel | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
10-10-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | The Eagles Brussels | 5 - 7 |
10-10-2008 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Ginkgo Mouscron | 3 - 8 |
10-10-2008 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Kadanz Gent | 8 - 2 |
10-10-2008 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 0 - 7 |
10-10-2008 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Gunners Wemmel | 3 - 2 |
24-10-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 5 - 11 |
24-10-2008 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Kadanz Gent | 0 - 5 |
24-10-2008 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Union Sportive Leuze | 5 - 1 |
24-10-2008 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | The Eagles Brussels | 9 - 3 |
24-10-2008 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Gunners Wemmel | 5 - 6 |
24-10-2008 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Ginkgo Mouscron | 0 - 5 |
31-10-2008 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Frameuro Mons | 2 - 6 |
31-10-2008 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 9 - 5 |
31-10-2008 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 4 - 7 |
31-10-2008 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Jimco Stars Gent | 6 - 5 |
31-10-2008 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
31-10-2008 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 7 - 1 |
07-11-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Kadanz Gent | 5 - 0 |
07-11-2008 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Union Sportive Leuze | 0 - 5 |
07-11-2008 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Gunners Wemmel | 6 - 2 |
07-11-2008 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Frameuro Mons | 5 - 9 |
14-11-2008 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
14-11-2008 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 5 - 5 |
14-11-2008 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 7 - 5 |
14-11-2008 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 6 - 7 |
14-11-2008 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 4 - 2 |
21-11-2008 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Jimco Stars Gent | 4 - 8 |
28-11-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Union Sportive Leuze | 3 - 5 |
28-11-2008 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Kadanz Gent | 4 - 3 |
28-11-2008 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Jimco Stars Gent | 0 - 5 |
28-11-2008 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Frameuro Mons | 2 - 5 |
28-11-2008 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | The Eagles Brussels | 5 - 4 |
05-12-2008 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
05-12-2008 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 8 - 2 |
05-12-2008 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 4 - 9 |
05-12-2008 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 2 - 7 |
05-12-2008 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 2 - 8 |
12-12-2008 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Jimco Stars Gent | 5 - 0 F1 |
12-12-2008 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Union Sportive Leuze | 0 - 5 |
12-12-2008 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Frameuro Mons | 3 - 5 |
12-12-2008 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Juniors Berchem | 6 - 0 |
12-12-2008 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | Ginkgo Mouscron | 0 - 5 F1 |
19-12-2008 21:30 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Ginkgo Mouscron | 4 - 3 |
22-12-2008 21:20 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 4 - 7 |
26-12-2008 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Gunners Wemmel | 12 - 4 |
02-01-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Kadanz Gent | 6 - 7 |
09-01-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | The Eagles Brussels | 6 - 5 |
09-01-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Ginkgo Mouscron | 3 - 8 |
16-01-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 0 - 5 F1 |
16-01-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Kadanz Gent | 8 - 15 |
16-01-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Gunners Wemmel | 8 - 4 |
16-01-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | The Eagles Brussels | 2 - 2 |
16-01-2009 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 3 - 2 |
16-01-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 9 - 6 |
23-01-2009 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
23-01-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Frameuro Mons | 3 - 9 |
23-01-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Ginkgo Mouscron | 6 - 6 |
23-01-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Jimco Stars Gent | 7 - 5 |
23-01-2009 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | Union Sportive Leuze | 6 - 6 |
30-01-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Gunners Wemmel | 5 - 5 |
30-01-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 8 - 8 |
30-01-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 3 - 3 |
30-01-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 4 - 7 |
30-01-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Juniors Berchem | 5 - 0 |
06-02-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 0 - 8 |
06-02-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 8 - 3 |
13-02-2009 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Gunners Wemmel | 15 - 3 |
13-02-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | The Eagles Brussels | 8 - 2 |
13-02-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Ginkgo Mouscron | 0 - 5 |
13-02-2009 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Kadanz Gent | 4 - 7 |
13-02-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Union Sportive Leuze | 6 - 7 |
20-02-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 2 - 6 |
20-02-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 7 - 4 |
20-02-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Juniors Berchem | 7 - 0 |
20-02-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Frameuro Mons | 3 - 13 |
20-02-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Jimco Stars Gent | 9 - 7 |
20-02-2009 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 4 - 2 |
27-02-2009 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 3 - 8 |
27-02-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | The Eagles Brussels | 12 - 8 |
27-02-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Ginkgo Mouscron | 7 - 3 |
27-02-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Gunners Wemmel | 8 - 5 |
27-02-2009 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 5 - 2 |
27-02-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | Kadanz Gent | 7 - 14 |
06-03-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 6 - 4 |
06-03-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Juniors Berchem | 2 - 12 |
06-03-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | Frameuro Mons | 4 - 6 |
06-03-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 7 - 5 |
06-03-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Union Sportive Leuze | 16 - 6 |
06-03-2009 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | Jimco Stars Gent | 8 - 6 |
13-03-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 6 - 6 |
20-03-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | The Eagles Brussels | 18 - 3 |
20-03-2009 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Union Sportive Leuze | 0 - 5 |
27-03-2009 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Ginkgo Mouscron | 7 - 8 |
27-03-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | Frameuro Mons | 0 - 5 |
27-03-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Gunners Wemmel | 9 - 11 |
27-03-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Kadanz Gent | 6 - 3 |
27-03-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | The Eagles Brussels | 7 - 8 |
03-04-2009 21:15 | The Eagles Brussels | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 5 - 6 |
03-04-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Jimco Stars Gent | 6 - 1 |
03-04-2009 21:30 | Kadanz Gent | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 8 - 3 |
03-04-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | Juniors Berchem | 7 - 3 |
03-04-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 5 - 5 |
03-04-2009 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 3 - 7 |
10-04-2009 21:30 | Frameuro Mons | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | 4 - 1 |
10-04-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | 0 - 5 |
10-04-2009 21:30 | Union Sportive Leuze | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | 8 - 8 |
10-04-2009 21:45 | Ginkgo Mouscron | Gunners Wemmel | 13 - 7 |
10-04-2009 22:15 | Jimco Stars Gent | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | 8 - 7 |
17-04-2009 21:15 | ZVC Bellekouter Affligem | Frameuro Mons | 3 - 4 |
17-04-2009 21:30 | BIS Foyer Molenbeek | Ginkgo Mouscron | - F2 |
17-04-2009 21:30 | Juniors Berchem | The Eagles Brussels | 0 - 5 |
17-04-2009 21:45 | Celtic Av. Marcinelle | Union Sportive Leuze | 12 - 9 |
17-04-2009 21:50 | A.L. LA LOUVIERE | Jimco Stars Gent | 17 - 5 |
17-04-2009 22:15 | Gunners Wemmel | Kadanz Gent | 0 - 5 F1 |